Towson University Storm System Condition Evaluation

University Sets Goals for MS4 Regulations through GIS-Based Mapping System, Public Outreach, and Annual Reporting

CEG has supported Towson University by conducting multiple studies on Asset Management, Public Education and Outreach and Stormwater Permitting.

CEG conducted a stormwater infrastructure field verification of existing structures to provide the basis for the integration of a new GIS based stormwater mapping system. Each structure was documented, and GIS data and photographs provided. Evaluated the condition of each stormwater structure and developed a schedule for short-term and long-term maintenance and repairs. This effort provided a framework for the University’s stormwater asset management program, increasing efficiency by enhancing planning efforts and reducing costs.

CEG performed field verification of stormwater assets on the TU campus in the fall of 2016. A stormwater infrastructure map was created that listed all the University’s storm pipes, structures, outfalls, and BMPS. One outcome of that work revealed that certain stormwater conveyance structures (pipes and culverts) are in imminent need of repair.

CEG performed a desktop evaluation of the stormwater assets and assigned a conditional ranking to each structure based upon its need for repair and/or replacement. CEG prioritized assets in need of immediate action (0 to 6 months), those needing certain action (one to two years), and those where maintenance or future repairs should be budgeted (2 to 5 years). A written report of findings included cost estimates for the recommended repairs/replacement, and the priority assessment of the repair/replacement work.

Project Details

  • Client :
    Towson University/Waste Strategies
  • Project Owner:
    Townson University
  • Address:
    8000 York Road
    Towson, MD 21252
  • Date of Contract: 2016
  • CEG Contract Value: $13,800
  • Total Project Cost: $35,000
  • Date of Completion: 2017